Saturday, February 16, 2013

Three States of Mind

This is a three piece series I created for a final in my drawing class last year. I wanted to illustrate three distinct emotions and states of mind. 

I have already dealt with a decent amount of anxiety and depression throughout my life. It's merely a chemical imbalance, I try to be aware of that and be kind to myself when it gets bad. In very rare occasions though, it does get the best of me. In those times I get overwhelmed, over taken, and somewhat helpless. That is this image. The feeling of being overtaken, washed over, almost drowning in the troubles of life. She looks out, in a plea for help, all the while knowing it is too late.

At Peace
When I think of a place of peace, I think of home. Somewhere where you feel safest to be yourself . Where you can relax and be revitalized. The trees loom in longingly. The home sits welcoming and warm. Here I reference the "yellow brick road", for there is no place like home. When I feel overwhelmed, this is where I long to be.

Enthralled in Joy
One of my absolute favorite places to be is in a field of flowers during a warm summer evening. In my mind, this is the eternal place of summer. I associate summer with joy because I have so many wonderful memories attached to the summertime. Growing up I lived across the street from a park, and during the summertime all of the children would come out to play. I remember countless evenings catching butterflies, searching for four leaf clovers, and weaving daisy and dandelion crowns with my friends. We stayed there til the sun set.
Summertime was also when I fell in love with John. We had so much fun together spending days bike riding throughout the city, adventuring about the town, enjoying each other's company. Summertime has always been my little piece of heaven.

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