Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Invites

There was a lot to think about when planning our wedding, and with our modest budget we knew we had a bit of do it yourself projects ahead of us. With that, one of the details we decided to do ourselves was the invites. 
First, I came up with the cover design. I wanted to capture the look and feel of our wedding, somewhat homemade and intimate. I intertwined the woodland theme by including silhouettes of the owl and deer, as well as hinted to the outdoor setting by the morphing of the deer's antlers into foliage and flowers surrounding us.  

This is kind of a nerdy moment, so prepare yourself. The "always" at the top of the invitation is a reference to one of mine and John's favorite series, Harry Potter. In the story a character confides to a dear friend about his love for someone he had lost many years ago. He merely states "always", revealing his continual devotion and care for her, that even through death his love for her is ever alive. So we included that small statement, in devotion to one another and our nerdy lifestyles hehe. 

Together, John and I formatted the details of the wedding in the invitation. We used some reference material, viewed a few different templates and styles of invites, and went from there. We had a lot of fun designing it together, and I feel it was quite a success!

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