Sunday, April 21, 2013

Go on an Adventure with Me

My younger brother, Jason, recently has been teaching himself guitar. It is incredible how fast he has caught on to it, and every time I hear him play I am floored! He is so talented! Anyways, he wrote and composed this beautiful song called Ode to Jake. It's about going on an adventure with a loved one, exploring all there is to see and having an awesomely epic time. It also just so happens to be, in part, inspired by the television show Adventure Time (which as you probably noticed from my last post is my ultra favorite show of all time)! 

After listening to Jason's song I was very inspired, and decided to create a painting based off of it! I really wanted to capture the happy, wondrous world he was describing. 
And then I thought: "who could be a better companion than a cat?!"

Go on an Adventure with Me

P.S. Next post will include more pink hair..!

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