Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Guardians

I've recently been inspired with the idea of illustrating guardians. Celestial beings who watch over the earth and its inhabitants. At the core of this inspiration is the belief I have in God and that he watches over us, but I want to express that in a way that those who do not believe in him can still relate to and understand. That is a part of why they are shown as women. They are also illustrated as women, as in most of my artwork, because it is a reflection of myself. That and chicks are just fun to paint :].

The Moon watches over all Her creatures.
I wanted to show how God cares for every creature on this earth, even a small little bird. I remember when I was a kid and I read this scripture: 
"What is the price of two sparrows- one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."
It impacted me so much to think that God even cares for such a little, appearingly insignificant animal, even more how much he cares for and loves us.

With that being said, I stumbled upon this quote recently and it seemed fitting to include in this post: 
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." 
-Mahatma Gandhi

Sail to the End

This image was actually originally created for a contest. The rules were to create an image that was inspired by the song Sail to the End by Benjamin Dunn & The Animal Orchestra. I found both the lyrics and melody incredibly inspiring, and found my own meaning within the beautiful song. For me, she is a guiding star and Holy spirit, looking down at her beautiful creation with adoration and love, as they experience and seek out the wonders of life.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mint Sorbet Delight

A few days ago I was vintage and antique shopping when I happened upon this little beauty. The mint green color was irresistible, the price even more so! You wouldn't believe it but I found this for only a dollar! Even though this style of outfit could be mistaken for a bit "gaudy" I think it is just lovely. I do intend to make a few alterations, though, so that it is comfortable for every day wear rather than just special occasions (of course my definition of everyday wear is a bit more flamboyant than most).

Whoops! I forgot to take off my trusty hairband from my wrist, hehe.

Here are the alterations I plan to do to the dress. I would like to shorten the dress to about calf length, and then bring in the collar a bit, what do you think? I am still pretty new to sewing, so hopefully this won't give me too much trouble. 
Nothing like champagne sequin pumps to compliment a flowy mint green dress!
Also added a bit of flair with these lace like coral rose earrings  Coral and mint green have really been in fashion the past year, and I have absolutely love it, being that they are both favorites of mine!

Dress: The Urban Eccentric
Earrings: Sparrows Nest Designs
Shoes: Target

Until next time
